My name is Ryan Campbell and I am finishing a MSc degree in Business Management at Dublin City University in September and am actively looking to launch my career back in the US shortly after.  I came over to Ireland last September after growing up and living in the US my entire life. I am thoroughly enjoying this new experience and am looking forward to the many different opportunities that may come of this.

Before coming to Ireland, I graduated from Arizona State University earning a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communications. In the following months after graduation I was offered several different jobs, but I went against what many told me to do, and decided to take a chance and travel across the globe to further not only my education, but to truly enhance my understanding of the global business world we live. So far its been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

At heart, I am a tech lover (borderline geek), an outdoors enthusiast, and most of all, a big time sports fan. Like, a freakishly big time sports guy. Feel free to get in touch with me.

Email: ryangcamp @ gmail .com

Twitter: @ryangcamp

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