Archives for the month of: April, 2012

So I am reading the book “The Paypal Wars” right now on my Kindle. I am almost done with the book but I came across an awesome quote from Peter Thiel in the book about american politics that still rings so true today, and especially with whats been going on in the current environment. To put it in context, Thiel is giving one of his many talks just after the company has been acquired by eBay. He is talking about the legal and political stuggles Paypal has had to overcome in this part of the speech.

“Most of the conservatives in DC dont understand we are in a changing world, that the world is becoming more interconnected and complicated. But the liberals are even worse- they always want to rely on regulation to make things better. Neither side is asking the right questions regarding the pressin needs of the day

Doesn’t this sound all too familiar with the two parties today? Conservatives always trying to live in the past and liberals always trying to regulate and expand government. When will the independents finally say “enough is enough.”

Barcelona have to be the classiest sports team in the world. After being crowned the best team in the world the past three or so years it is rare to see them lose. But what is perhaps even more rare in todays day and age is to see somebody who knows how to keep their class when they lose. Barcelona lost tonight to an inspired Chelsea team in the Champions League semi-finals. Below is a statement form the clubs president. It is one of the classiest things I have seen any sports organization do in a while. The Barca fans also cheered and congratulated Chelsea on their big win at the end. Well done Barcelona. You truly are the best.

From ESPN Soccernet

Barcelona’s president Sandro Rosell said it was important to take the defeat in the right manner.

“We have fought for 90 minutes, we stayed true to our game,” he said. “I am proud of the team and the fans. Now we must prepare for cup final.

“We’ve shown that we can win, and now it’s the time to show that we can lose too. It has been a hard blow, but you can only congratulate Chelsea. You should be able to accept defeat

If you didnt know I worked at R&R Partners  an advertising agency for about a year. Our agency created the “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas”  commercials so I know good ones when I see them. This may be one of the best I have seen in a long long time. And the best part is, its for a tv station!!!